Meet GBCC Graduate Amrit Singh
“一开始,我很难理解语言和一些专业词汇. But the instructors are so good….They made it very comfortable for me”
Meet Student Owen McLaughlin
“对我来说,在大湾区开始我的学术之旅是最有意义的. It was the first and only college I looked at.”
Meet Psychology Student Stephanie Knapp
“Always in the back of my mind, 当我准备继续我的学业时,我正在记录大海湾作为未来的资源. 当我仔细研究的时候,发现这是一个完美的选择.”
“没有多少人能说自己上过学, got certified, and got a new job within four or five months”
Meet GBCC Alum Michelle Angeloro
我很享受在那里的时光,我认为那是一个很棒的项目. 如果我能做点什么来鼓励别人去发现它,我百分之百有兴趣去做.
Meet GBCC Nursing Student Christina King
“The professors are all so personable. 我已经感受到支持和激励……他们真心希望我们成功. 我对未来两年抱有很高的期望.”
Meet Nursing Graduate Jae’Wuan Horton
霍顿(Jae 'Wuan Horton)对重返校园的感觉很复杂. 2018年,他刚刚从新罕布什尔大学(University of New Hampshire)毕业,获得金融学士学位,并在自己的领域工作. But he wanted more….
Meet Shantel Surles
“一旦我决定要回学校,我就回到了大湾. I had such a great experience before. 有很多资源和帮助学生,我真的很感激.”
“They are all very knowledgeable, …..他对教学充满热情,鼓励我们从课程中获得最大的收获. I’ve been impressed.”
Meet Students Sophie and Marc Cote
索菲·科特本来没有上大学的打算, 一想到要重新开始,她就感到害怕. 但当她在开云棋牌(Great Bay Community College)上课时,看到哥哥“改变并演变成一个完全不同的人”, she followed his path.
Meet GBCC Alum Caitlin Cardoso
“I recommend Great Bay to everybody at work. 我有很多朋友想攻读学位, 所以这是我说的第一件事——“你必须去大海湾看看。.’ It worked out so well for me.”
Meet Gerardo Montes
“Great Bay is doing an amazing job. They really want us to succeed.”
Meet Brigid Emma Murphy
“Great Bay made me feel like I mattered,” said Murphy, 今年春天毕业的心理学副学士是谁.